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Sunday, 26 January 2014
With the end of 2013 and the start of 2014 I've realised all things I've truly regretted about last year. The start of 2013 was great, it felt as if I was flying; soring off the currents of life. But ever so slowly I lost control of my wings and feel. I regret losing people I was truly close to, I hate that my foolishness pushed them away, I regret trusting some of those people to only be cast aside like I meant nothing to them. I regret losing faith in my ability to self heal and losing faith in my talent. I regret having lost my footing when it comes to my written work, so much pain is reflected with that work, my confidence in it has been shattered. I regret so many things that transpired on twitter, I hate feeling like I no longer belong on there, that when I once had been accepted I am now shunned. I regret that it's partly my fault for what has happened to bring me to place I am in now. I regret not staying in the book community and slowly slipping away for the things I hold dear. I regret not staying in touch with some of the people that truly care about me, I miss them like mad. The thing I regret most of all is losing myself to my demons, letting my anguish completely consume me, forcing everyone away from me.
I'm truly sorry to everyone I have hurt.
I hope one day you can truly forgive me.
I sincerely hope that we can make amends and be friends again.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Author: Amy A. Bartol
Publication date: August 8th 2011
Series: The Premonition:book 1
Series: The Premonition:book 1
Book Blurb:
My name is Evie Claremont and this was to be the making of me–my freshman year of college. I’d been hoping that once I’d arrived on Crestwood’s campus, the nightmare that I’ve been having would go away. It hasn’t.
I may be an inexperienced seventeen-year-old, but I’m grounded…sane. I look for rational explanations to even the strangest circumstances. Since meeting sophomore Reed Wellington, however, nothing makes any sense. Whenever he’s near, I feel an attraction to him–a magnetic kind of force pulling me towards him. I know what you’re thinking…that sounds fairly awesome. Yeah, it would be…if he liked me, but Reed acts as if I’m the worst thing that has ever happened to Crestwood…or him. But get this, for some reason every time I turn around he’s there, barging into my life.
What is the secret that he’s keeping from me? I’m hoping that it’s anything but what I suspect: that he’s not exactly normal…and neither am I. So, maybe Crestwood won’t be the making of me, but it could be the breaking of me. I’ve been left to wonder if the dark future my dream is foretelling is…inescapable.
I may be an inexperienced seventeen-year-old, but I’m grounded…sane. I look for rational explanations to even the strangest circumstances. Since meeting sophomore Reed Wellington, however, nothing makes any sense. Whenever he’s near, I feel an attraction to him–a magnetic kind of force pulling me towards him. I know what you’re thinking…that sounds fairly awesome. Yeah, it would be…if he liked me, but Reed acts as if I’m the worst thing that has ever happened to Crestwood…or him. But get this, for some reason every time I turn around he’s there, barging into my life.
What is the secret that he’s keeping from me? I’m hoping that it’s anything but what I suspect: that he’s not exactly normal…and neither am I. So, maybe Crestwood won’t be the making of me, but it could be the breaking of me. I’ve been left to wonder if the dark future my dream is foretelling is…inescapable.
For the last month and a half I've been in a book slump, nothing seemed to keep my attention for too long it was rather depressing. So a good friend of mine told me to head to my shelf and pick up the first book I saw that I haven't read which so happened to be Inescapable. I bought the book when I had when to the author signing in Toronto, I'd never heard of the series or the author before hand but anything that has to do with angels I certainly wouldn't pass up. I was a bit sceptical when I first started reading it because I've read many different angel books in the past so I was worried this was going to be one I wouldn't like.
I'm happy to say I'm very glad I pick this book up, it's fricken amazing!! The first few pages made me think about Lauren Kate's Fallen novel, I think that's why I was so interested. I wanted to see what was going to happen with the mysterious angry man ;). The way she has written the story is so well done you'd soon to believe it was an everyday normal story that is completely believable. It made me wish for a collage experience like that....well minus the crazy things that happen of course.
Her characters have all a unique trait that makes you like each and everyone of them, including her teacher. You may even trust someone whom you shouldn't its quite shocking once you find out. Russell is a guy anyone would be rather lucky to has, he's such a gentlemen, Buns and Brownie are friends I wish I had, they are go getting not at all afraid to loosen you up and take you out of your comfort zone. As for Reed *sighs* what can I say about him, he's a force to be reckoned with. He's hold fashioned, stubborn, caring, intense and just completely fantastic. You can not help but love him. To me he reminded me of a mix between Patch from Hush Hush and Cam from Fallen (favourite angel boys)I think the character I liked the most has to be Zee he's so very entertaining.
I loved everything about this story, from the story line, the complications, the mystery and the thrilling rang of emotion that take place. I'm ecstatic that I picked up this rare gem and that I got to meet the women behind the masterpiece. I definitely give this book five stars, Amy did a fantastic job and can not wait to read more of Evie's story.
Buy the book here:) :
Fan Art by Me
(not the gifs)
will never look at 7-11 the same ever again
Angel smack down!!
Friday, 24 January 2014
You ever get the feeling like your heart is being crushed by some unseen force? That if you try to breath or more it might completely crumple into dust?
My heart feels in pain, like someone is sqeeezing it in a death grip. It feels so hallow, I can't recall the last time it felt full.
I feel so isolated and a lone, it's horrible that sometimes I wish I was no longer here. It makes me cring to think or feel that way but I can't help it. I know there are people out there that have it worse then me but my pain is my pain and it's what I see or feel regardless of what others are dealing with.
We all suffer differently, mostly silently but not here! I can let go here regardless if I'm being judged for it.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Anger is such a powerful emotion, it can literarily consume you. I never thought of myself as a very angry person but I think that notion has changed. I find myself constantly angry, I'm starting to have no more patience or faith in anything. How I define myself right now in this very movement is "COLD". The things I once loved and held dear to me have lost their significance. In all honestly I think I feel this way because I am sick of disappointments, failed promises and lack of caring on my friends part. My job is stressing me, my life is stressing me, I hate that I thought I had repaired broken friendships when it's clear as day they have not forgiven me. I feel like a complet fool in so many aspecs of my life. I feel as if I can no longer trust myself let alone anyone else. I've been lied too, talked about and betrayed yet I can not talk about it because what I say is all lies and I bring it upon myself. I hate to feel pity for myself and I wish to drag my ass out of this tortuous feeling but I have no idea how to do so anymore. I have no one really who's around me that I can truly count on. I want to break down and cry but I feel as if they are all dried up. I'm seriously lost, I need to find my way again. So many people have faith in me yet I have none for myself. I need an escape, somewhere to go and be free for awhile. I'm just sick of caring for people that don't care for me, I'm frustrated with myself when it comes to always seeing the good in other people yet those people pull me down. I sicken myself with who I am lately, I feel like there's this ball of darkness that's swirling around inside of me and sooner or later I won't be able to hold it back and the worst version of me will be unleashed. I don't want to let it out, part of me wants a little of the strangth and power it would bring, I almost want to let the bitchy meg out and let the world and those who've played me know how they have affected me, but then I stop and think that's not the person I want to be.
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